The knowledge and skills needed to function effectively as a Public Sector Official (hereafter referred to as “members”) in all three spheres of government or any other environment, continue to change and expand at a rapid rate. Members face increased knowledge and skills expectations. Continued development of professional competence and lifelong learning are critical if members are to meet these expectations. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to learning activities that develop and maintain capabilities to enable members to perform competently within their professional environments.
A member should perform professional services with due care, competence and diligence and has a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure that a client or employer receives the advantage of competent professional service based on up-to-date developments in practice, legislation and techniques.
“Continuous professional development” refers to post qualification learning activities for developing the capabilities and skills of individuals to perform competently within their professional environments. “Post qualification” refers to the period after qualification as a Chartered, Professional, Technician and Registered members of the Institute. “Structured learning” refers to a measurable and verifiable activity designed to impart specific knowledge and skills. Structured learning can, in some respects, not be totally within the control of the individual undertaking the learning. For example, a third party may determine the scope or design of the activity or when or how the learning takes place. “Skills” refer to the various types of abilities required to apply knowledge and values appropriately and effectively in a professional context. “Relevant” refers to subject matter or activities associated with municipal and public finance and management, general accounting or finance
The objective of CPD is to assist members to develop and maintain professional competence in order to provide services of high quality in the public interest. Measurement of completion of CPD can be achieved in different ways. The input-based approach attempts to measure by establishing a set amount of learning activity that is considered appropriate to develop and maintain professional competence. The output-based approach requires members to demonstrate, by way of outcomes what competencies have been acquired or maintained through CPD activities.
The primary responsibility for competence lies with the member and all members have an obligation to develop and maintain their professional competence, relevant to the nature of their work and professional responsibilities.
CPD is compulsory and is applicable to all active members registered as Chartered, Professional, Technician and Registered members of the Institute.
CPD will be reported on a three-year rolling cycle by reporting on a quarterly basis. For all new members the CPD cycle commences in the year following registration.
Members are required to complete credits as per table below, of relevant CPD activity in a three-year rolling period.
Membership Level
CharteredProfessionalTechnicianRegistered Members
Credits per 3yr Cycle
Min. Credits p.a.
Voluntary Credits p.a.
5 credits towards ethics5 credits towards ethics5 credits towards ethics5 credits towards ethics
CIGFARO will not prescribe specific courses, programmes, journals or other forms of learning or training material. Members are free to choose relevant CPD activities based on their identified learning and development needs and CIGFARO will rely on the professional judgement of members in this regard. (see table below)
Members bear primary responsibility for documenting compliance with CPD activities. Members have two options for maintaining CPD records: • Members may record CPD activities on CIGFARO’s online system. This is the preferred CIGFARO option.OR• Members may provide CIGFARO with an annual declaration that they are undertaking a CPD programme. A randomly selected sample of members following this option will be subject to a verification process conducted annually by CIGFARO. It is therefore important that members still keep their own records of their learning activities. Should a disciplinary matter be brought before CIGFARO where the issue of incompetence arises, the onus will be on the member to prove that they have complied with the CPD policy
Members who do not comply with CPD requirements shall be suspended until such time the member can proof CPD requirements are being met.
Members or associates may apply for exemption from or a reduction in the CPD requirements based on retirement, extended leave of absence or other similar reasons. The onus is on the member to inform CIGFARO of a change in circumstances that could lead to the conditions for an exemption or reduction no longer being met. Retired members over 60 years of age are exempt from declaring CPD annually, but still have an obligation to undergo CPD should they have any professional commitments.
CIGFARO aims to promote to all members and associates a culture of excellence where members always aim to deliver excellent professional service. CIGFARO will provide a code of professional conduct for its members which will assist in more than just monitoring professional competence but ensuring that members adhere to the applying knowledge accompanied with professional judgement and an objective attitude. CIGFARO will try to ensure that every member who participates in a continuous professional development programme will reap the full benefits of that programme. The Institute Board believes a continuing professional development programme is important for an individual member to fulfil his/her professional activities and responsibilities and the maintenance of professional standards, ethics and knowledge.
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