6 SESSIONS (25 FEBRUARY TO 1 APRIL 2022)            ||           FRIDAYS 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM

18 February How to go about updating policies without using a consultant
25 February Documenting a process flow and aligning it to the policy
4 March Documenting the standard operating procedures and aligning it to the policy
11 March Review standard operating procedures for effectiveness and internal controls
18 March Building the performance targets and reporting into the standard operating procedures
25 March Monitoring the implementation of standard operating procedures

Target audience: Accountants, process owners, internal audit staff

register now

Programme Total Cost:
Members: R4 064.1 (Excl. Vat)
Non-Members: R5 464.8 (Excl. Vat)
5 or More Registrations:15% Programme Discount
Applicable 10 or More Registrations: 20% Programme Discount Applicable

For Queries:
Please contact Lindi Nolte at Lindi@cigfaro.co.za (011 394 0879)


session 1 session 2 session 3 session 4 session 5 session 6