CIGFARO invites you to register for the 2023 Public Sector Finance which will take place on July 04-05, in Emperors Palace, Gauteng. This event promises to be an opportunity for practitioners and professionals to share their knowledge and experience. Dates: 04-05 July 2023 Venue: Emperors, Gauteng Target Audience: Mayors, Chairpersons with a Portfolio, Municipal Managers, Chief Financial Officers, and Financial Officials, IT Manager, Chief Audit Executives, Chief Risk Officers, Audit Managers, Risk Managers, Risk Practitioners, Internal Auditors and Risk officers, MPAC Chairperson, Coordinators and Researchers, Performance Managers and Performance Practitioners and Academic Institutions Social Media #tags #PSF2023 Registration Fee: Face-2-Face 2023 Virtual 2023 Member R4 465 R3 716 Non-member R5 243 R4 493 Private Sector R6 540 R5 791
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